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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২৬ মে ২০২৪

বৈদেশিক শিক্ষা সফর/ ভ্রমণ/ বহিঃ বাংলাদেশ ছুটি

বিষয় ফাইল
Govt. Permission to attend the "Government Analytics Fellowship Program" from 27 May to 06 June 2024, Washington D.C., USA. [Mohammad Rafid Shahriar][Assistant Programmer]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to United States of America (USA) from 28.04.2024 to 18.05.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave for 21 (Twenty-one) days [Ms. Wahida Hamid, Joint Secretary]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for the purpose of treatment of her mother in law in India from 12.04.2024 to 20.04.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave for 09 (Nine) days [Mr. Md. Hafizur Rahman, Senior Programmer]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to United States of America (USA), Uniter Kingdom (UK) and Sweden from 04.08.2024 to 17.09.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave for 45 (Fourty Five) days [Mr. Rabbi Miah, Director General (Joint Secretary)]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to United States of America (USA) from 01.08.2024 to 15.08.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave for 15 (Fifteen) days [Md. Sukur Ali, Director General (Joint Secretary)]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Umrah Hajj for 15 days from 03.14.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mossamad Shamima Akther, Fax/ Telex Operator, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Omrah from 29.03.2024 to 12.04.2024 [Dr. Mohammed Amjed Hossain] [Director [DS)]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for the purpose of treatment in India from 20.02.2024 to 10.03.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave for 20 days [Mr. Md. Arshad Hossain, Office Support Staff]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Omrah from 03.03.2024 to 10.03.2024 [Mr. S M Mahbubul Haque, Sr. Asst. Secretary, IMED]
Govt. Permission to attend 'The Eval Fest 2024' Conference on 21-23 February 2024, Delhi, India [Mr Abul Kashem Md. Mohiuddin][Secretary, IMED, Ministry of Planning]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for the purpose of treatment in India from 04.03.2024 to 21.03.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave for 18 days [Mr. Md. Ayub Ali Bhuiyan, Personal Officer]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to India from 30.01.2024 to 06.02.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave for 08 (Eight) days [Mr. Md. Moshiour Rahman Khan Mithun, Asst. Director]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for the purpose of treatment in India from 11.01.2024 to 25.01.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave for 15 days [Naznin Nahar, Programmer]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Omrah Hajj for 15 days from 12.01.2024 to 26.01.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mr. A B M Showkat Iqbal Shaheen, Director General (Joint Secretary), IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Japan for 14 days from 21.12.2023 to 03.01.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mr. Rabbi Miah, Director General (Joint Secretary), IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for the purpose of treatment in India from 05.12.2023 to 05.01.2024 or from the date of commencement of leave for 32 days [Mr. Md. Ayub Ali Bhuiyan, Personal Officer]
GO [Govt. Permission to attend the Stakeholders' Seminar on 07 November 2023, Delhi, India] [Mr. Abul Kashem Md. Mohiuddin, Secretary, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to India from 31.10.2023 to 09.11.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave for 10 days [Happy Das, Deputy Director (Sr. Asst. Secretary), IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to India from 20.10.2023 to 31.10.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave for 12 days [Dr. Gazi Md Saifuzzaman, Addl. Secretary, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to India from 16.10.2023 to 30.10.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave for 15 days [Ms. Bhagya Rani Sarker, Personal Officer, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Umrah Hajj for 15 days from 15.10.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mr. Md. Shamim Parvez, Office Assistant-Cum-Computer Typist, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to India from 25.10.2023 to 08.11.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave for 15 days [Mr. Md. Kamruzzaman, Asst. Programmer IMED]
Govt. Permission to attend the 9th Conference of the Asia Pacific Public Electronic Procurement Network, 18-20 October 2023, Tbilisi, Georgia
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for the purpose of treatment in India from 17.09.2023 to 06.10.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave for 20 days [Mr. Md. Mahabub Rahman, Office Asst.-Cum-Computer Typist]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Canada from 01.10.2023 to 15.10.2023 for 15 days or date of actual travel time [Mr. Khalil Ahmed, Director (Deputy Secretary), IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for the purpose of treatment in India from 07.09.2023 to 16.09.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave for 10 days [Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain, Administrative Officer]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Canada, Japan and Saudi Arabia for 33 days from 29.10.2023 to 30.11.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mr. Rabbi Miah, Director General (Joint Secretary), IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to India from 17.08.2023 to 25.08.2023 (or from the date of commencement of leave) for 09 days [Mr. Md. Mahmud Hasan, Director (Deputy Secretary)]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to India from 05.09.2023 to 24.09.2023 (or from the date of commencement of leave) for 20 days [Mr. Gullal Singha, Director (DS)]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Thailand from 27.07.2023 to 07.08.2023 (or from the date of commencement of leave) for 12 days [Mrs. Shahnaz Sultana, Director (Deputy Secretary)
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Hajj for 60 days from 18.06.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mossamad Shamima Akther, Fax/ Telex Operator, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Hajj for 45 days from 23.05.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mr. Md. Jainal Abdin, Photocopy Machine Operator, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Hajj for 45 days from 24.05.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mr. Md. Abdur Rahim, Driver, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to India from 09.05.2023 to 13,05.2023 (or from the date of commencement of leave) for 05 days [Mr. Mohammad Nasim Ahmed, Director (Deputy Secretary)]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Hajj for 45 days from 25.05.2023 to 08.07.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mr. Rabbi Miah, Director General (Joint Secretary), IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Hajj for 45 days from 21.05.2023 to 04.07.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mr. Md. Mahfuzar Rahman, Director (Joint Secretary), IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Hajj for 45 days from 23.05.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave [Ms. Nazma Parvin, Personal Officer, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Netherlands from 02 April to 04 April, 2023 (or from the date of commencement of leave) [Mr. Mohammad Nasim Ahmed, Director (Deputy Secretary)]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Umrah Hajj for 15 days from 21.03.2023 to 04.04.2023 or from the date of commencement of leave [Mr. Md. Mosharraf Hussain, Senior System Analyst]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Umrah Hajj from 21.01.2023 to 04.02.2023 for 15 days [Mr. S M Nazim Uddin, Director (DS), IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave to attend 10th Bangladesh Book Fair Kolkata-2022 for the duration 09-11 December, 2022 [Mr. Abu Hena Morshed Zaman] [Secretary, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave to attend 10th Bangladesh Book Fair Kolkata-2022 for the duration 08-12 December, 2022 or from the nearest possible date [Dr. Fathima Nusrath Halim, Associate Professor, Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College wife of Mr. Abu Hena Morshed Zaman, Secretary, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Umrah Hajj from 15.12.2022 to 29.12.2022 for 15 days [Mr. Khalil Admed, Director (DS), IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Umrah Hajj from 21.11.2022 to 10.12.32022 [Mr A.K.M. Jamal Uddin Khan, Photocopy Operator, IMED]
GO to attend the 8th Conference of the Asia Pacific Public Electronic Procurement Network to be held in ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines during 05-06 December 2022 [Mr. Md. Aknur Rahman,Ph.D. Director (JS)]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Umrah Hajj from 10.11.2022 to 24.11.2022 [Mr. Mollah Shamim Ahsan, Data Entry/ Control Operator, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Umrah Hajj from 11.10.2022 to 25.10.2022 [Mr. Md. Jainal Abdin, Photocopy Machine Operator, IMED]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for treatment to India [Mr. Md. Mahabub Rahman, Office Assistant-cum-Computer Typist, IMED] [From 25.09.2022 to 24.10.2022 or from the date of commencement of leave for 30 days]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Omrah from 05.10.2022 to 20.10.2022 [Mr. Md. Azgor Ali, Assistant Director, IMED]
সংযুক্ত আরব আমিরাতের দুবাই শহরে আগামী ২৬ আগস্ট হতে ০৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২২ সময়কালে অনুষ্ঠিতব্য আন্তর্জাতিক দাবা প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ প্রসংগে।
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for treatment to India [Mrs. Sabnam Sarmin, Deputy Director (Sr. Asst. Secretary), IMED] [From 21.08.2022 to 19.09.2022 or from date of commencement of leave for 30 days]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for treatment to Thailand [Mr. Md. Masbaul Hossain, Deputy Director (Sr. Asst. Secretary), IMED] [From 16.08.2022 to 30.08.2022 or from date of commencement of leave for 15 days]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for treatment to India [Mr. Muhammad Mijanur Rahman Miah, Deputy Director (Sr. Asst. Secretary), IMED] [From 12.08.2022 to 10.09.2022 or from date of commencement of leave for 30 days]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Hajj [Md. Shahadat Hossain, Director (DS), IMED] [From 22.06.2022 to 28.07.2022]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave for treatment to India [Mr. Md. Puban Akhtar, Asst. Director (Sr. Asst. Secretary), IMED] [From 17.06.2021 to 07.07.2022 or from date of commencement of leave for 21 days]
GO for Ex. Bangladesh Leave [Thailand] [Mr. Md. Kamal Hossain, Asst. Director (Asst. Secretary)] [IMED] [From 05.07.2022 to 14.07.2022 or from date of commencement of leave for 10 days]
GO for Visit to Nanyang Polytechnic's (NYP) Innovation Lab at Singapore from 23-27 April 2022 (including Travel time) or nearer date. Memorandum No. 440
GO for Visit to Nanyang Polytechnic's (NYP) Innovation Lab at Singapore from 25-29 April 2022 (including Travel time) or nearer date.  Memorandum No. 439
GO for travelling to India from 29 April 2022 to 13 May 2022 [Mr. Md. Samiul Haque (Sr. Asst. Secretary)]
GO for travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Holy Omrah Hajj from 14 April 2022 to 28 April 2022 [Md. Iman Ali, Asst. Secretary]
GO to attend in Training Program [Mr. Khalil Ahmed, Director (DS, IMED)] in Turkey during 21-24 March 2022
GO to participate in the "International Security RSA Conference 2022" at San Francisco in the USA.
Ex. Bangladesh Leave [India] [Mr. Md. Haruner Roshid, Computer Operator, IMED]
GO to attend meeting and Workshop in Myanmar and Thailand during 01-07 March 2020 ডাউনলোড
GO to attend Global Procurement Summit Focusing on the use of technology in procurement and the Workshop on Future of e-Procurement in India ডাউনলোড
Government permission to attend the Study Tour regarding Public Procurement System in Fiji & Samoa (with transit in australia/Singapore ) to be held during 06-12 January 2020 (Excluding travel time ) or nearest possible dates. ডাউনলোড
Government Order to participate in an International Conference"Gartner Identity & Access Management Summit 2019" at Las Vegas in the United States of America (USA) ডাউনলোড
Government Order to participate in an International Conference"Gartner Application Strategies & Soultions Summit 2019" at Las Vegas in the United States of America (USA) ডাউনলোড
Government Permission to attend the"Seminar on Evaluation and Management of PPP Project's for Bangladesh" to be held in China from 14 October 2019 to 02 November 2019 ডাউনলোড
Government permission to attend "Asia-Pacific Regional (APR) Workshop on Good Governance" in Taiwan and Bangkok 19-26 september 2019 ডাউনলোড
GO for International Exposure Visit in UK (from 21 to 25 september, 2019) ডাউনলোড
Sanction for Participation in Overseas Workshop on "Best Practices on Project Management" in  France and Switzerland (Revised Order) ডাউনলোড
Government Permission to attend the "Gartner IT Infrastructure , Operation Management & Data Center Summit' in London, UNited Kingdom (UK) to be held during 27-29 November 2017 ডাউনলোড

Sanction for Participation in Overseas Seminar on "Best Practices on Monitoring and Evaluation" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Batch-1)

মালয়েশিয়া ভিজিট সংক্রান্ত ডাউনলোড
অস্ট্রেলিয়া ও নিউজিল্যান্ড এ অংশগ্রহণ সংক্রান্ত ডাউনলোড
চীনে সেমিনারে অংশগ্রহণ সংক্রান্ত ডাউনলোড
ফিলিপাইনে ওয়ার্কশপ অংশগ্রহণ সংক্রান্ত ডাউনলোড
মালয়েশিয়া ও ইন্ডিয়ায় 'Animation Studio'  পরিদর্শন সংক্রান্ত ডাউনলোড

অস্ট্রেলিয়াতে এক্সপোসার ভিসিটে অংশগ্রহণ সংক্রান্ত
